Services designed to help newcomer, immigrant, and refugee women address their unique needs through community resources and referrals, short term sessional counseling, and workshops.
Supports and services offered:
Services designed to help newcomer, immigrant, and refugee women address their unique needs through community resources and referrals, short term sessional counseling, and workshops.
Supports and services offered:
Counselling services provided by registered social workers or registered psychotherapists. Mental health services are available for children, youth, and their families, as well as for adults and people dealing with addictions.
Address issues, concerns, and challenges affecting seniors and disabled adults with respect to the law. This position is a community-based and community-driven initiative.
Provides housing support services to individuals with serious mental illness who are involved in the criminal justice system.
Alternative education program for Aboriginal students wishing to continue their education, but not currently attending a secondary school, in a culturally appropriate learning environment.
This is a centralized process and single point of access to mental health intensive case management services for residents of Hamilton.
The 3 agencies that provide Mental Health Intensive Case Management Services in Hamilton are:
Provides mental health training and education to help promote capacity building and resilience. Serves individuals of all ages, families, caregivers, community agencies, and the general public. Offered in Hamilton, Brant, Haldimand and Niagara r
Provides community support and case management services to pregnant and parenting youth.
The main components of programming are:
Free weekly groups for pregnant individuals. Discussions with a Registered Nurse and Registered Dietitian include pregnancy, labour and birth, managing stress, eating well and cooking healthy food, breastfeeding, and community supports.
Provides substance use and mental health services for teenagers, young adults, and their families or caregivers.
Programs include: