Available via website are:
Online website for Legal Line, offering legal answers and referral.
Provides legal information and advice, referrals, and representation to low-income residents in Hamilton. Legal services provided include, but are not limited to:
Offers legal advocacy support, information, and court accompaniment to women who have experienced family violence.
Offers a variety of free legal services to people living with HIV/AIDS in Ontario, including:
- advice and representation
- public legal education
- law reform
Free legal answers covering over 2500 topics on provincial and federal laws, available by website.
Provides legal services to low income seniors living in the community in their own homes or in group living arrangements such as retirement homes, boarding homes and long term care facilities.
Services include:
Provides free, confidential legal information related to disabilities.
Topics include:
Location of the Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic in downtown Toronto. Legal advice is provided primarily through a telephone intake system.
A community-based legal clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario, providing free legal services to low-income, non-English speaking clients from Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian communities in Ontario.