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Retirement residence with private and semi-private rooms, and private and shared bathrooms. Can accommodate couples. Short stay is available when space permits (i.e. temporary, vacation, recuperation, respite care).

Offers free, on-call delivery of unused needles, condoms, and other harm reduction supplies, to people who use substances by injection and/or inhalation.  Service users are encouraged to return used needles for disposal.

A non-profit agency committed to providing hope, compassionate and informative assistance for anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy. Services are free and confidential. They include:

Free and confidential helpline that provides professional counselling, information, and referrals for mental health, addictions, and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario.

Provides assistance for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families to help them navigate the developmental services system in Ontario.

Ontario provincial program that provides health-related items to people receiving Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) funding and people on low income.

Health related benefits include but are not limited to:

Retirement residence with assisted living, memory care, and private suites. Can accommodate couples. Short stay available when space permits (i.e. temporary, vacation, convalescent, respite care).
Basic services include: