Offers exercise classes for older adults. Classes offered to suit a range of physical abilities.
Provides temporary emergency accommodation for families experiencing homelessness in the form of private, accessible self-contained units.
Services include:
Provides online information to individuals whose lives have been significantly altered by illness or injury.
School programs serving pregnant and/or parenting young women and their infants.
Glanbrook Community Services provides participants with transportation services to medical appointments, dental appointments, errands, to visit friends, grocery and general shopping. Drivers will wait and can assist participants with purchases.
Serving children from St. Lawrence and Bennetto Elementary Schools, children work on their literacy, numeracy, and social skills with mentors from McMaster University.
Delivers specialized community based services to adults with complex physical, psychological, and social needs due to severe mental illness accompanied by significant functional impairment, disruption of normal life tasks, periods of hospitalizati
Provides emergency shelter services and overnight accommodation for homeless men in Hamilton. Services also include meals and laundry, as well as case management and referrals to community resources.
Service provides frozen meals prepared from fresh foods to seniors and those requiring additional nutritional assistance. Meals are delivered weekly, or can be picked up at the Glanbrook Community Services office.
Provides comprehensive and supportive care for children and adolescents who have experienced sexual assault. A specially trained sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) will provide services, including: