The City of Hamilton can provide employers with supports and programming in areas such as healthy eating, physical activity, smoke-free and quitting smoking supports, workplace stress prevention, alcohol and drugs in the workplace, and sun safety.
Provides employment support for general trades and connects them with industry employers for work placements. This program runs for approximately 30 weeks. Participants are provided with personal protective equipment and a basic tool kit.
Assists people with spinal cord injury (injuries) and other physical disabilities achieve independence, self-reliance and community participation.
Programs include:
Free program for internationally trained teachers and early childhood educators. Program includes:
Literacy and basic skills training, including numeracy, digital, communication, and interpersonal skills. Helps learners prepare for employment, apprenticeship, secondary-school credit, post-secondary education, and greater independence.
A non-profit bilingual community legal clinic serving low income residents of Hamilton.
Offers sector-specific bridging programs that will support highly skilled internationally trained immigrants (ITIs) integrate into the Canadian workforce.
Supervised injection site that operates as a lifeguard station for intravenous drug use.
A resource and telephone support line for individuals and organizations with concerns about the negative ramifications associated with a criminal record and how to overcome them.
Services provided by Interval House of Hamilton at Women's Centre of Hamilton and Flamborough Women's Resource Centre. Provides support for women and their children who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse including: