Parenting Skills Classes

Programs that teach skills that enable parents to deal constructively and consistently with a broad spectrum of child rearing problems which may include sibling rivalry; school behaviour and performance; poor self-esteem; shyness; drug use; sexual promiscuity; and the whole range of negative, acting-out behaviours including whining, temper tantrums, disobedience, insolence and destructiveness. Some parenting skills development programs utilize a step-by-step approach for managing specific problems and may incorporate application at home of techniques that were discussed and practiced in the classroom setting. Other programs may offer participatory family workshops which provide opportunities for parents and children to learn and practice methods for dealing with one another under the guidance of a trained facilitator. Most training programs teach the parent a particular way of talking and relating to their children that reinforces positive behaviours and communication and decreases negative behaviours while supporting the development of a relationship that is built on fairness, mutual caring and respect.



12-session support group empowers parents to develop crucial parenting skills while honoring their cultural backgrounds and traditions. Through reflection, learning, and collaboration, participants address cross-cultural parenting challenges and gain practical strategies.

Offers drop-in and multiple week programs on a variety of topics to support and help improve parental skills. Contact or visit website for details on the programs offered, as well as dates, times and locations. 

Offers a variety of classes for new parents and their babies.

Licensed child care centre offering full day child care to toddlers (ages 18-30 months) and preschool children (ages 30 months to 5 years). Morning and afternoon snacks and a lunch are provided. Red Hill is a teaching facility and collaborates with McMaster University and Mohawk College.

A skill-development program offered to parents and caregivers in weekly two-hour sessions.

Family, group, or individual support for children 2-6 years old. Child-friendly activities, including reading programs, with assessment of child development and milestones.

A community day treatment program for women who are pregnant or mothering young children and have substance addictions. Women attend once a week with their children. Provides the opportunity to access addiction and parenting services based on individual needs.

Provides free educational courses and skills training workshops to the community on a variety of topics, including parenting, child development, and child and youth mental health issues.

Provides a variety of services to children 0-2.5 years old and their families. Team includes infant-parent specialists, a psychometrist, a psychologist, and a speech-language pathologist.

Services include:

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