
Displaying 41 - 50 of

Provides day supports for adults with developmental disabilities with a focus on skill building, pre-employment opportunities and literacy skills.  Pre-Employment training assists individuals with identify skills and interests, resume writing, int

Literacy and basic skills training, including numeracy, digital, communication, and interpersonal skills. Helps learners prepare for employment, apprenticeship, secondary-school credit, post-secondary education, and greater independence. 

A mentorship program that matches internationally educated professionals with industry-specific mentors to assist in their settlement process, language skills development, entrepreneurship guidance, and search for employment.

Offers sector-specific bridging programs that will support highly skilled internationally trained immigrants (ITIs) integrate into the Canadian workforce.

Provides one-on-one support to job seekers with self-disclosed disabilities with the goal of gaining and maintaining meaningful employment. Supports business owners with implementing accessible hiring practices.

Services provided by Interval House of Hamilton at Women's Centre of Hamilton and Flamborough Women's Resource Centre. Provides support for women and their children who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse including: