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Online directory of locations in Hamilton that offer free vaccinations for the seasonal flu. Visit a doctor, pharmacist, or clinic to get a flu shot. Visit the website to find a clinic nearby.

Lending libraries located within the offices of the Alzheimer Society of Brant, Haldimand Norfolk, Hamilton Halton, offering books and other resource learning materials available for loan. Library resources may be borrowed for 2 months. 

Ontario provincial program that provides temporary financial and employment assistance for people who are in financial need.

Assistance includes:

Offers support for persons who self-identify with a disability to prepare for, obtain, and maintain employment. Includes one-on-one support, 6-week group training, and optional paid 14-week work placements.

An intact historic home in Canada, with guided tours from a costumed interpreter. The home has a multilayered character that reflects changes made over three generations from 1852-1968, and provides a unique opportunity to explore the changing nature of family life, culture, health, politics and domestic technology in Hamilton.

Offers programs that assist people with serious mental illnesses, living both in and out of hospital, to gain or regain valued roles through evidence-based rehabilitation.