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Provides short-term housing solutions for Indigenous families at risk of homelessness, family separation due to child welfare involvement, and/or family reunification where housing is the primary need.

Offers residential program in apartment-style units with early intervention for youth aged 16-21 years, experiencing or at imminent risk of homelessness, who are working or are in school with the goal of living independently.

Offers a place to eat, drink, and rest.

  • restroom access
  • hygiene supplies
  • free clothing including socks and underwear
  • harm reduction supplies
  • referrals to social supports and housing

Street Outreach Services that engage individuals who are experiencing mental illnesses and are homeless or living in shelters. City of Hamilton Mental Health and Street Outreach staff work in the community at many locations.

Provides support for newcomers to adjust to their life in Canada, by providing comprehensive information, orientation, needs assessments and referrals to government programs, social services, and community resources. Program funding provided the G

English as a Second Language (ESL) and Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC). Classes offer a variety of programs to allow students to pursue and achieve their English language proficiency and educational goals.

Offers speech and language support and services for children from birth to school entry. Parents and caregivers can self-refer their child if they have any concerns related to their speech and language development.