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Offers legal services, education, and system navigation to the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community in Hamilton. This is a francophone project that has an accompanying English component.

Services include:

A safe space for women, with volunteers and staff on site for conversation, offering:

A community based program for youth requiring support. It helps young people (12-24 years of age) navigate the service systems to connect them to resources in their community.

10 suites of enhanced supportive living arrangements for individuals with dual diagnosis, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective, and bipolar disorders and/or intellectual disability/autism.

This program offers:

An annual award that recognizes outstanding women who have made a commitment and a significant difference in their community by showing vision, creativity, and initiative. Nominations are open between November and January. 

A collective of residents living in a specific area or community in the city of Hamilton. Each association may hold meetings and stay connected through email or social media. 

Provides services such as meeting room rentals, shredding, and media destruction, which is reinvested into Employment Services to help people in the community enter or re-enter the workforce.