Offers exercise classes for older adults. Classes offered to suit a range of physical abilities.
Delivers hot meals to the homes of elderly, convalescent, disabled persons, or any person in need of a meal and unable to provide for themselves. Available on both a short-term and long-term basis to eligible clients.
Investigates public complaints against Ontario's police assigned by the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) and serious discipline issues concerning non-sworn members.
To file a public complaint:
Operates as an access point for subsidized housing in Hamilton. Subsidized housing is when rent is geared to the income of the recipient instead of market rates.
Serves as a hub for independent, family-owned businesses and young entrepreneurs, to help promote and improve the community of Ancaster Village.
Serves as a hub for independent, family-owned businesses and young entrepreneurs, to help promote and improve the community of Barton Village.
Serves as a hub for independent, family-owned businesses and young entrepreneurs, to help promote and improve the community of Concession Street on Hamilton Mountain.
Serves as a hub for independent, family-owned businesses and young entrepreneurs, to help promote and improve the community of Downtown Dundas.
Serves as a hub for independent, family-owned businesses and young entrepreneurs, to help promote and improve the community of Downtown Hamilton.
Hamilton Civic Museums offer: