Provides navigation and support to urban Indigenous youth who are unemployed or underemployed and ready to gain confidence and skills with their career goals.
Services include:
Provides navigation and support to urban Indigenous youth who are unemployed or underemployed and ready to gain confidence and skills with their career goals.
Services include:
Provides mental health training and education to help promote capacity building and resilience. Serves individuals of all ages, families, caregivers, community agencies, and the general public. Offered in Hamilton, Brant, Haldimand and Niagara r
Offers a variety of programs and events related to the museum's collection of artifacts, books, periodicals, manuals, and aircrafts from the beginning of World War II to the present.
Programs include:
Provides information and access to assistance for older adults with age related cognitive impairments and responsive behaviours that impact their daily functioning and/or the ability to maintain relationships.
The Arthritis Society offers programs and services that support those with arthritis. These include:
Provides adoption and fostering education programs, home studies, adoption placement of children, kinship adoption, post-placement counselling and support, and fulfillment of legal requirements to finalize placement of children for adoption.
Coordinates in-home and community-based care for patients by assessing patient care needs, and delivering in-home and community-based services to support their health and well-being.
Works with local partners to offer a wide range of services and activities in order to help newcomer individuals and families settle and integrate into their new community and obtain access to health and social services.
Adult day program, providing social, recreational, and therapeutic activities for older adults and people with disabilities in a group setting for part of the day. Helps to support family caregivers who provide day-to-day care.
Provides programs and services for individuals in Niagara, Hamilton, Haldimand, Norfolk and Brant living with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their families. Services offered include: