Offers a variety of support services for Ontario caregivers who provide physical and emotional support to a family member, partner, friend, or neighbour.
Programs include:
Offers a variety of support services for Ontario caregivers who provide physical and emotional support to a family member, partner, friend, or neighbour.
Programs include:
Street Outreach Services that engage individuals who are experiencing mental illnesses and are homeless or living in shelters. City of Hamilton Mental Health and Street Outreach staff work in the community at many locations.
Provides current information for all schedules, routes, and fares.
Provides a variety of life-skills training services for people who are blind or partially-sighted. Services are provided by certified specialists who will create a personalized rehabilitation plan.
Services include:
A non-profit agency committed to providing hope, compassionate and informative assistance for anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy. Services are free and confidential. They include:
Supports students and their families with their transition to attending school in Hamilton. Provides English as a Second Language (ESL) assessment services to mature students, newcomers, and children.
The Mediation Centre offers the following mediation services:
Curbside pick-up of garbage, bulk items, yard waste, compostables, and recyclables in the City of Hamilton is managed by the Environmental Services Division of the Public Works Department.
Provides person-centred, specialized mental health care for people with schizophrenia and related illnesses. Multi-disciplinary teams work in partnership with clients, caregivers, and other health care providers.
Provides confidential counselling and psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families to explore the strengths and resources they can use to overcome the challenges they are facing.
Services are available for: