A free confidential telephone service offering information about workplace health and safety available to all Canadians.
Gwen Lee Supportive Housing consists private bachelor apartment units located in an apartment building managed by CityHousing Hamilton. Support services are provided by Personal Support Workers who are on site 24 hours a day on a scheduled basis,
Provides free educational courses and skills training workshops to the community on a variety of topics, including parenting, child development, and child and youth mental health issues.
Provides comprehensive and supportive care for children and adolescents who have experienced sexual assault. A specially trained sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) will provide services, including:
Provides anonymous and confidential crisis support, counseling, safety planning, information, and referrals for women that have experienced abuse or violence.
The Family Support program provides support, information, early intervention, and referral to other services for parents with youth ages 12 to 17 who are experiencing parenting challenges or parent/child conflicts.
Offers support to women who have been exposed to abuse and violence, whether physical, sexual, emotional, or financial. Programs provide knowledge and understanding of abuse, safety planning, and access to community resources.
Meetings to generate advocacy, provide support and exchange information for those persons receiving Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Programs (ODSP).
Aims to support seniors at risk through a neighbourhood model of personal care. Operated as a collaborative project involving CityHousing Hamilton, Catholic Family Services, and St. Joseph's Home Care.
Skilled and compassionate VON professionals provide information, education, and emotional support to family caregivers. Caregiver Support groups are available virtually and in-person.