Provides assessment, education, treatment and support for people with diabetes, pre-diabetes, and people that are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Provides a variety of services to children 0-2.5 years old and their families. Team includes infant-parent specialists, a psychometrist, a psychologist, and a speech-language pathologist.
Services include:
Supports public libraries in the provision of accessible collections for Canadians with print disabilities and champions the fundamental right of Canadians with print disabilities to access media and reading materials in the format of their choice
Aims to educate new mothers on healthy interactions with their babies through prenatal classes, nutrition counselling, and postnatal home visits. The program includes:
Encourages and promotes healthy pregnancies for Aboriginal mothers and their babies, offering culturally appropriate support for babies up to 6 months of age and their families by improving maternal infant care, promoting healthy birth weights, an
A dignified, efficient, and safe space providing easily accessible emergency food and clothing to registered clients.
Offers a support group for individuals who have had contact with the criminal justice system. Program assists with transitioning back into the community after a period of incarceration.
A seniors' Punjabi Group, which runs daily card programs at the Dominic Agostino Riverdale Community Centre.
Licensed child care centres that offers Early Childhood Education in a child care setting, providing care to toddlers (ages 18-31 months) and preschoolers (ages 2.5-5 years).
Provides learning opportunities that help participants develop skill and confidence in the kitchen, and learn about choice and preparation of diabetes friendly food. Topics include: