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Adult day program, providing social, recreational, and therapeutic activities for older adults and people with disabilities in a group setting for part of the day. Helps to support family caregivers who provide day-to-day care.

Friendly callers offer companionship and quality conversations through weekly calls. Clients will also have access to other helpful resources and information within the community. Calls usually last 15-30 minutes.

Provides companionship and support to help seniors or persons with disabilities remain independent in their homes. This programs aims to enrich the social interaction of individuals by connecting them to the community and other helpful resources.

Provides free income tax assistance for Dundas residents on limited or fixed income. No complicated tax returns or uncompleted returns in the last 3 years will be serviced.

Provides flash-frozen meals for older adults, adults living with a disability or recuperating from surgery, or anyone not able to cook a meal for themselves. Pick-up and delivery options are available.