Hamilton Municipal Services Centres offer the following services:
Hamilton Public Library offers many services to residents who live, work, or attend school in Hamilton.
Services include:
Offers short-term counselling, advocacy, system navigation assistance, and assistance with government applications (such as city housing, DARTS, pension, and ODSP.) Assistance is focused on referring clients to longer-term services.
Offers authentication of documents including affidavits, notary public services, and commissioner of oaths.
A housing program supporting individuals experiencing episodic or chronic homelessness in acquiring and maintaining safe, affordable, and stable housing in Hamilton.
Protects, promotes, and supports the best interest of children. A person must personally make a report to a children’s aid society if they have reasonable grounds for suspecting:
Friendly callers offer companionship and quality conversations through weekly calls. Clients will also have access to other helpful resources and information within the community. Calls usually last 15-30 minutes.
Coordinates in-home and community-based care for patients by assessing patient care needs, and delivering in-home and community-based services to support their health and well-being.
Provides information and access to assistance for older adults with age related cognitive impairments and responsive behaviours that impact their daily functioning and/or the ability to maintain relationships.
Conservation Halton offers a variety of conservation, recreation, and education programs at their parks, both year-round and seasonally.