Hamilton Municipal Services Centres offer the following services:
Hamilton Public Library offers many services to residents who live, work, or attend school in Hamilton.
Services include:
Offers short-term counselling, advocacy, system navigation assistance, and assistance with government applications (such as city housing, DARTS, pension, and ODSP.) Assistance is focused on referring clients to longer-term services.
Offers authentication of documents including affidavits, notary public services, and commissioner of oaths.
Friendly callers offer companionship and quality conversations through weekly calls. Clients will also have access to other helpful resources and information within the community. Calls usually last 15-30 minutes.
Coordinates in-home and community-based care for patients by assessing patient care needs, and delivering in-home and community-based services to support their health and well-being.
Provides information and access to assistance for older adults with age related cognitive impairments and responsive behaviours that impact their daily functioning and/or the ability to maintain relationships.
Conservation Halton offers a variety of conservation, recreation, and education programs at their parks, both year-round and seasonally.
Provides tourist information on Dundas and surrounding areas. Offers brochures, maps, and directions relating to popular tourism attractions in Ontario, as well as current festivals and events.
In-home health care offered in private homes, long-term care homes, group homes, hospitals, and community settings.
Services include: