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Provides information on a full range of social services available from all levels of government, the non-profit sector, the private voluntary sectors, by individuals in the community, and from the business sector.

Provides navigation and support to urban Indigenous youth who are unemployed or underemployed and ready to gain confidence and skills with their career goals.

Services include:

Provides confidential counselling and psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families to explore the strengths and resources they can use to overcome the challenges they are facing.

Services are available for:

Coordinates in-home and community-based care for patients by assessing patient care needs, and delivering in-home and community-based services to support their health and well-being. 

Delivers hot meals to the homes of elderly, convalescent, disabled persons, or any person in need of a meal and unable to provide for themselves. Available on both a short-term and long-term basis to eligible clients.