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This museum is housed in a 160-year-old waterworks, containing two steam-powered beam engines which pumped water in Hamilton from 1859 to 1910, as well as a collection of artifacts relating Hamilton’s industrial past. The museum offers guided tours, various permanent and changing exhibits, and features special events for the whole family, including Live Steamer Days from May through September.

Provides legal services to low income seniors living in the community in their own homes or in group living arrangements such as retirement homes, boarding homes and long term care facilities.

Services include:

A free, confidential service which provides health advice and general health information from a registered nurse, as well as assistance finding health care providers, symptom assessment tool, and medical library.

A free digital literacy program that is offered to newcomers and members of Black and marginalized communities to learn beginner and intermediate computer skills.

Topics include:

Provides children from ages 5 to 10 years old with the opportunity to develop reading strategies including: phonemic awareness, levelled reading, shared reading, and targeted interactive writing exercises.  

A non-profit group run by volunteers that provides information about home learning, enables networking among its members, and serves as an advocacy group and link between the homeschooling community and the provincial government.

An early 19th century homestead once home to the Gage family and the scene of the Battle of Stoney Creek during the war of 1812. The Battlefield Monument stands as a symbol of peace and commemorates those soldiers who died on June 6, 1813. This historic site is located on 32 acres of parkland linked to the Bruce Trail, and is also home of the Nash-Jackson House.