Ancaster Community Services Assisted Volunteer Driving

This program is designed to support Ancaster clients who have limited or no means of transportation to get to and from medical and/or professional appointments within the Ancaster/Dundas/Hamilton area. This program relies on volunteers to drive seniors to appointments and bring them home. Medical appointments take priority over professional appointments.  

Organizations that offer this Service
Ancaster Community Services
Sites that offer this Service
Ancaster Municipal Service Centre

300 Wilson St E
Ancaster, ON
L9G 2B9


Ancaster residents who are elderly or have a disability and are in the process of arranging more permanent transportation such as DARTS or have limited or no other means of transportation. Passengers must be cognitively sound and independently mobile. Walkers and canes are permitted.


Areas Served
Nominal fee to help offset cost of gas and insurance on volunteer's car. Clients invoiced on a monthly basis.
Application Instructions

Potential clients must register with the Program Coordinator.  A minimum of 3 days' notice is required to fill a request. 


Kristin Shuttleworth, Program Manager, Business Programs and Social Services
Last Full Update
July 2, 2024