Peer Support Services

Mental health agencies, counselling centres and independent, peer-run organizations that offer, as a component of their programming, the services of peer support providers with "lived experience" who have been trained and certified to work with individuals who have struggles pertaining to mental health or psychological trauma. Peer support specialists work with individuals as they develop and implement a personal recovery plan, which can also serve as a contract for engagement, and function as a complement to traditional clinical care. Tasks may include assisting their peers in articulating their goals for recovery and learning and practicing new skills, helping them monitor their progress, supporting them in their treatment, modeling effective coping techniques and self help strategies based on their own recovery experience, and supporting them in advocating for themselves to obtain effective services. Peer support services are an evidence-based mental health model of care that is recognized by Canadian Mental Health Association and the Mental Health Commission of Canada as an important component in the delivery of effective treatment.



Provides low-barrier access to people living with serious mental illness and addiction, offering emotional and practical support between two people who share a common experience, such as a mental health challenge or illness. Peer Supporters listen, provide emotional support, and inspire hope.

Provides a range of programs to help newcomers get settled in Canada, including peer-to-peer support groups, settlement and referral services, English conversation circles, and some translation services. 

Monthly peer-led groups for trans-feminine identified folks to connect, share resources and support one another. Compass offers a meeting once monthly for youth (ages 16-29) and for adults (30+), as well as an intergenerational meeting to bring them together.

Offers a variety of support services for people in Hamilton with acquired brain injuries and their friends and families.

Services include:

Peer support groups for people affected by multiple sclerosis, facilitated by a trained volunteer on their own MS journey. Groups are available in person and virtually, and provide emotional support, shared lived experiences, and ideas and suggestions on managing the challenges of MS.

Delivers programs and services which promote spiritual/emotional growth and wellness. Staff includes community approved healers, teachers, and facilitators.

Programs and services include:

Provides mental health and addictions services that are culturally safe for all members of the urban indigenous community. 

Services include:

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