General Counselling Services

Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance to help people resolve whatever personal or interpersonal difficulties they are experiencing. The counsellor can address any issue that is troubling the individual, but does not specialize in the treatment of any particular problem area.



Hamilton East location of the Healing Oasis Program, a registered charity based in Hamilton that provides counselling, ongoing support services, and holistic healing programs for those affected by trauma, crisis, addictions, and deep loss.  

Offers a variety of support services and holistic healing programs for those affected by trauma, crisis, addictions, and deep loss.

Services include:

The Healing Oasis Program is a registered charity based in Hamilton that provides counselling, ongoing support services, and holistic healing programs for those affected by trauma, crisis, addictions, and deep loss.  

Provides confidential counselling and psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families to explore the strengths and resources they can use to overcome the challenges they are facing.

Services are available for:

Offers a variety of supports and services for older adults, including:

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