Job Search/Placement

Programs that maintain listings of available employment opportunities and assign a staff member to help people who are searching for a position to choose and obtain the most suitable option.



Provides employment support for general trades and connects them with industry employers for work placements. This program runs for approximately 30 weeks. Participants are provided with personal protective equipment and a basic tool kit.

Provides one-on-one support to job seekers with self-disclosed disabilities with the goal of gaining and maintaining meaningful employment. Supports business owners with implementing accessible hiring practices.

An employment placement program for young adults under 30 years old. Assists job seekers in their search for employment by providing them with individual support to help understand their skills, identify their role in the labour market, and recognize their potential contributions to employers.

Career Foundation Hamilton Office. Provides support services for employers and job seekers. Offers trades and apprenticeship opportunities, specialized youth programs, workshops, jobs fairs, and other networking events. 

Provides support services for employers and job seekers. Offers trades and apprenticeship opportunities, specialized youth programs, workshops, jobs fairs, and other networking events. 

Programs connect job seekers who are blind or partially sighted to employers in Canada.

Services include:

  • mentorships
  • job matching
  • employment events and workshops

Program providing support for youth who have been involved with Family and Children Services. Helps youth to transition to a more independent lifestyle by developing and implementing a personal plan, and providing help navigating adult service systems and connecting with community supports and re

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