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The John Howard Society offers direct service to individuals who are or are at risk of becoming involved with the criminal justice system, and their families. Services include multiple programs for youth and adults, including community programs and employment programs.

Literacy and basic skills training, including numeracy, digital, communication, and interpersonal skills. Helps learners prepare for employment, apprenticeship, secondary-school credit, post-secondary education, and greater independence. 

Offers in-centre program services, providing life skills, wellness, and socialization, as well as online programming, facilitating activities, stories, exercise, and connecting with friends. 

Programs include: 

A volunteer-run organization committed to encouraging an awareness of agriculture and rural living and promoted improvements in the quality of life for people living in the community. Awareness is raised through agricultural education and entertainment, including the annual Rockton World's Fair. 

Integrated day program for frail elderly, adults with special needs and individuals with Alzheimer Disease or other dementias. 
Day program for adults who require some physical, social or emotional support to remain in the community.

An adapted exercise and wellness program, providing inclusive and accessible opportunities for those living with spinal cord injuries to engage in regular community fitness programming.

Offers programs that assist people with serious mental illnesses, living both in and out of hospital, to gain or regain valued roles through evidence-based rehabilitation.

A community day treatment program  for women who are pregnant or mothering young children and have substance addictions. Women attend once a week with their children.