Online information and support about advanced illness, palliative and end-of-life care, loss, and grief.
The City of Hamilton offers a wide variety of recreation programs for all ages and abilities, offered on a seasonal basis. Programs can be drop-in or require registration. Please contact for details.
Offers summer camp for children interested in gymnastics. Camps activities include gymnastics, crafts, outdoor activities, and games in the gym.
Choir practices dedicated to the study of Gregorian Chant, and to its performance in concert and in liturgy. They also sing traditional polyphony in Latin and English. The choir is available for bookings.
A community pantry in which anyone in the neighbourhood can take or leave non-refrigerated food and essential good donations, in the spirit of mutual aid. See website for list of donation guidelines.
A community pantry in which anyone in the neighbourhood can take or leave non-refrigerated food and essential good donations, in the spirit of mutual aid. See website for list of donation guidelines.
An amateur cricket club offering practices and games to all ages and skill levels. Provides a safe and friendly environment for the enjoyment of cricket.
A community-based, not-for-profit organization offering free services for individuals and families affected by cancer, living in the greater region of Hamilton and surrounding communities or who are accessing a Hamilton-based cancer-care provider.
Offers support groups in person and online throughout Southern Ontario for people with a desire to stop using cocaine or other mind-altering substances. Visit the website for a list of all meeting locations, dates, and times.
Churches in Hamilton that have Reformed in their name, offering worship services throughout the week. Contact for information about the specific types of theology and worship at each location.