Islamic Mosque located in Stoney Creek.
Phone line for Health Canada's Safety Info Line which provides information about workplace health and safety.
Hamilton office of the Canadian Armed Forces that handles the application and selection process for all branches of the Canadian military.
Referrals to various services offered by Neighbour to Neighbour, as well as various community organizations, for families and individuals who are experiencing difficulties related to poverty.
A satellite campus of McMaster University, and home to a large family of health clinics.
One-on-one financial counselling and financial literacy support.
Services include:
Part of Interval House; supporting women living rurally with counseling, safety planning, and housing stability.
Provides a regular food bank visit that includes food and essential clothing, as well as added Christmas foods, decorations, and toys and gift cards for children and youth.
The main administrative office of Good Shepherd in Hamilton.
Provides legal services to low income seniors living in the community in their own homes or in group living arrangements such as retirement homes, boarding homes and long term care facilities.
Services include: