Public community centre offering a variety of services and programs.
Accredited long-term care home offering nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis.
Accredited long-term care home offering nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis.
Accredited long-term care home offering nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis.
Easter Seals is a registered charity that fundraises and hosts events to support its work. They offer programs and services to children and youth with physical disabilities across Ontario to help them achieve greater independence, accessibility, and integration.
Online website of Canadian Virtual Hospice. Offers a number of virtual services to aid with advanced illness, palliative end-of-life care, loss and grief.
Corktown Neighbourhood Association Location. There is no physical location for this service. It is bordered by Main Street to the north, Wellington Street to the east, the escarpment to the north, and James Street to the west.
Eramosa Karst Conservation Area offers many seasonal and year-round recreation services, Consult their website for what is being offered.
Strathcona Community Council Location. There is no physical location for this service. The geographical boundary is from Highway 403 east to Queen Street, and from Main Street north to the Harbour.
A fraternal organization of Canadians of Italian heritage with activities focused on service, charity, heritage, and community involvement.