Specialized service and treatment for individuals who have behaviours related to a diagnosis of dementia. Program provides service to Local Health Integrated Network (LHIN) 4 (the regions of Niagara, Brant, and Halton).
The centre provides people in recovery, their families, and community members with access to reliable and user-friendly information about mental health, addictions, and related issues. Computer with internet access is available onsite.
Offers a variety of mental health related outpatient services for children and youth age 17 and younger.
Offers mental health support services, including individual counselling, group counselling, and seniors counselling. All supports are offered via phone or online with Zoom.
The Hamilton Museum of Mental Health Care is committed to the collection, interpretation and continued preservation of the history of mental health care at St.
Connect is a centralized intake service for St. Joe's Mental Health and Addiction outpatient programs.
Accepts and processes referrals for the following clinics:
Provides general health services with a focus on addiction services to people in Hamilton who do not have stable housing.
Provides services surrounding provincial health insurance. Services include:
Volunteers at Hamilton Health Sciences support patients in many different programs across the hospitals, from children’s to seniors’ care. Placements are offered in both clinical and common areas of the hospital.
A 12 bed assessment and treatment unit providing a therapeutic environment to those whose recovery from psychiatric disease is complicated by age-related issues.