Provides primary healthcare to Francophone residents of Hamilton, Niagara and surrounding areas.
Offers support to young parents navigating a return to secondary school, adult education, or alternative education options to complete secondary school (Grade 12).
Offers supportive housing units to individuals with mental or physical disabilities, victims of domestic violence, and seniors, men, women, and families.
Offers a variety of programming for youth ages 12-24. Programming includes:
Offers a variety of programs to unite African-Canadian and Caribbean people residing in the Hamilton region by fostering community engagement and empowerment.
Offers a wide range of registered and drop-in gender inclusive programs for children ages 6 to 13.
A mixed-voice choir and singing community of traditional music from many cultures. Holds two concerts per year in December and May. New members are welcome.
Offers licensed before and after school care for children ages 4-12 years old, as well as PA days, winter break, March break, and summer day camps.
HMCS Haida was a tribal class destroyer during World War II which is now permanently installed at Pier 9, near Bayfront Park and open to the public 7 days a week in the spring and summer season.
Offers licensed child care before and after school for school-age children up to age 12 that focuses on physical activity, pro-social skills, healthy nutrition, and more. Limited spaces available on PA Days.