Offers primary health care services to people living in Hamilton who face barriers to traditional health programs. Providing healthcare to a diverse group of people is possible with a multi-disciplinary team approach, including:
Supports the educational and career advancement for refugees and other forcibly displaced individuals who cannot obtain official academic documents from their country of education.
Offers family mediation where a neutral third party, called a mediator, assists the disputing parties to reach an informed and voluntary agreement on issues such as how to separate, parenting plans, and child and spousal support.
Offers employment services to people with disabilities.
Services include:
A stay-in-school program designed to reduce poverty and its effects by lowering the dropout rate among high school students from economically disadvantaged communities, and increase their participation in post-secondary programs.
Offers day camps throughout the summer for children ages 4-14. Activities include martial arts, games, and crafts.
Choices is an interactive program with an aim to provide youth with practical skills that will assist them in making better choices at home, school, and with their peers. Offered once weekly in hour long sessions, over eight weeks.
Companionship and home-assistance program offering live-in companions for short term or long term in-home care assignment.
Provides information and guidance about the roles and responsibilities of registered charities in Canada.
This includes:
Churches in Hamilton that are part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints offering worship services throughout the week. Many locations also offer additional faith-based programming, including youth groups and Bible study groups.