Offers support to young parents navigating a return to secondary school, adult education, or alternative education options to complete secondary school (Grade 12).
Program providing support for youth who have been involved with Family and Children Services. Helps youth to transition to a more independent lifestyle by developing and implementing a personal plan, and providing help navigating adult service sys
CASE provides support to those who are at risk, involved in, or exiting human trafficking situations.
Services include:
Offers speech and language support and services for children from birth to school entry. Parents and caregivers can self-refer their child if they have any concerns related to their speech and language development.
Residential care homes for adults with acquired brain injuries.
This is a highly structured intensive community based alternative to custody for youth who have come in contact with the law. Youth engage in cognitive programming based on prevention, rehabilitation, and reintegration.
A day program for adults with developmental disabilities. Provides opportunities for participants to develop confidence and increase independence by assisting them to develop work skills and engage in purposeful community involvement through volun
Assists isolated, low income, and vulnerable seniors age 55 and older with making social connections and maintaining independence through various activities and community referrals.
Short-term outpatient addiction clinic serving those with substance abuse issues.
Offers supportive housing units to individuals with mental or physical disabilities, victims of domestic violence, and seniors, men, women, and families.