Licensed child care centre for children from birth to school entry age. Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack are provided.
Providing support services for older adults and vulnerable persons, including:
Provides temporary emergency accommodation for families experiencing homelessness in the form of private, accessible self-contained units.
Services include:
A 40-bed emergency shelter for individuals and their children who are fleeing violence and abuse.
Programs and service:
An emergency shelter, providing safety, support, and emergency accommodation to women who are dealing with homelessness, poverty, mental illness, and/or violence.
Programs and services:
Accepts reports of graffiti and graffiti-in-progress to allow the Hamilton Police Service to work with the City of Hamilton to monitor graffiti trends and undertake rapid removal and identification of perpetrators. Property owners are responsible
Provides low-barrier access to people living with serious mental illness and addiction, offering emotional and practical support between two people who share a common experience, such as a mental health challenge or illness. Peer Supporters listen
A free service offering educational programs designed to raise awareness with regard to gambling, healthy/active living, and making informed decisions
Gives youth access to:
Offers a variety of programs to unite African-Canadian and Caribbean people residing in the Hamilton region by fostering community engagement and empowerment.
HMCS Haida was a tribal class destroyer during World War II which is now permanently installed at Pier 9, near Bayfront Park and open to the public 7 days a week in the spring and summer season.