Private veterans' club. Runs social activities such as snooker, tai chi, and darts.
A social club for women from all walks of life, promoting fun and friendship with like-minded women. Women over the age of 50 wear Red Hats and purple clothing, while women under 50 wear Pink Hats and lavender clothing.
Offers care for mental health and addiction issues to young people age 17 to 25 in a safe environment. Clinical mental health care is offered in an early intervention stream, a transition support stream, and from a mobile team. Drop-in counselli
Offers immediate support to older adults needing a rapid crisis response due to mental health, poverty, addictions, disabilities, and other vulnerabilities.
Operates five subsidized housing projects to meet the needs of families, seniors, and persons with disabilities.
An online six-week workshop that assists participants experiencing and living with chronic pain and chronic disease. Areas of focus include stress management, making healthier choices, meeting other people living with similar challenges, and build
Offers daily webinars. Subjects include technology and computers, exercise classes, meditation, and virtual world tours. All previous webinars are available online.
Theatre Ancaster provides opportunities for adults from beyond high-school age to engage in both musical and non-musical programs.
The Urban Aboriginal Healthy Living Program promotes a healthy lifestyle by providing programs that supports improved overall health through increased physical fitness, smoking reduction, and healthy eating education.
SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) exercise and fall prevention classes help improve strength, balance, and heart health while reducing both social isolation and hospital visits relating to falls.