Works to combat individual and systemic Anti-Black racism by providing a range of clinic law services.
A 6 to 8 week program to help newcomers improve their English and prepare for the workplace. Services include:
Retirement residence offering long term and short stay accommodations. Basic services include:
A centre for at-risk youth residing within the community who are between 16 and 21 years of age, providing access to a number of support services and programs to assist them in remaining housed, diverting them from homelessness and street involvem
The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT) is part of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General.
A community day treatment program for women who are pregnant or mothering young children and have substance addictions. Women attend once a week with their children.
A non-profit, parent run, co-operative nursery school for children 2 through 5 years old. Children may enroll for 1 to 4 sessions per week and may join the program at any time during the school year, space permitting.
Provides care for individuals pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, labour, and delivery, and birth care.
Accredited long-term care home with private and semi-private accommodations, offering nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis. Rooms and basic services include: furnishings and bed linens, laundry and housekeeping, personal hygiene supplies,
Accredited long-term care home offering nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis.