Accredited long-term care home offering nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis. Rooms and basic services include: furnishings and bed linens, laundry and housekeeping, personal hygiene supplies, medical/clinical supplies and devices, meals a
Accredited long-term care home offering nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis. Rooms and basic services include:
Accredited long-term care home offering nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis.
Offers several programs on pain management and treatment of chronic pain. Programs work with the patient and their family to support adaptive changes to improve daily functioning, productivity, and overall quality of life.
Referrals to various services offered by Neighbour to Neighbour, as well as various community organizations, for families and individuals who are experiencing difficulties related to poverty.
Offers speech and language support and services for children from birth to school entry. Parents and caregivers can self-refer their child if they have any concerns related to their speech and language development.
Providing holistic and culture-based supports to respond to the needs of mental health and addictions for urban Indigenous individuals and families, with a focus on trauma-informed and strength-based approaches.
Provides job and volunteer opportunities for people in Hamilton who have a lived experience of mental illness.
Opportunities are available in the following work environments:
Recognizes those residents who, by landscaping and maintaining their property, have contributed to a more attractive neighbourhood and community.
Provides personalized support to individuals who are seeking to change their substance use. Participants learn to identify and deal with triggers while living in the community. Programs are offered in-person and virtually.