Thrift store operated by Eagles Nest of Waterdown. Sells gently used and antique furniture, household items, and clothing donated by the local community.
An online service of Hamilton Health Sciences, St. Joseph's Healthcare, and McMaster University designed to aid individuals and families in navigating the health-related services in the city of Hamilton.
Offers supportive housing units to individuals with mental or physical disabilities, victims of domestic violence, and seniors, men, women, and families.
A free and confidential service that provides information and referrals on sexual health, pregnancy options, abortion, and safer sex.
Provides medically-assisted treatment to opioid users and identifies any mental health issues for quick referral to supporting healthcare professionals, like counsellors, psychiatrists, and social centres. Advocates for the rights of opioid users
Provides and promotes opportunities to learn and make healthy lifestyle choices with a focus on environmental and policy approaches to increasing activity rates, healthy eating, tobacco use cessation, cancer prevention, and screening.
CASE provides support to those who are at risk, involved in, or exiting human trafficking situations.
Services include:
Provides nursing care for seniors and individuals of any age needing disease care, special needs care, or mental illness care. Services are offered both in private homes and in nursing homes and health care facilities. Services include:
Culturally safe and centralized call centre that connects Indigenous residents in Hamilton to local and government resources relevant to their identified needs.
National call, text, and live chat counselling services for youth. Services are free, anonymous, and confidential. Professional counsellors are available 24/7 for support, information, and referrals. Services include: