A resource and telephone support line for individuals and organizations with concerns about the negative ramifications associated with a criminal record and how to overcome them.
Confidential investigation of public complaints about Ontario government services that could not be resolved through regular complaints procedures.
Offers online services for registering and searching official private property records using Ontario's land registration system. All services are offered online through the ONLAND application platform.
Provides services surrounding provincial health insurance. Services include:
Available via website are:
Provides services surrounding provincial driver's licences and ID cards. Services include:
Online services regarding certificates of birth, death, and marriage in Ontario.
Services include:
Provides information, education, and investigations into complaints filed under the Canadian Human Rights Act.
A non-profit group run by volunteers that provides information about home learning, enables networking among its members, and serves as an advocacy group and link between the homeschooling community and the provincial government.
Offers a variety of support services for Ontario caregivers who provide physical and emotional support to a family member, partner, friend, or neighbour.
Programs include: