Provides a full range of educational, sport, and recreational activities for newcomers to Canada. These activities provide newcomer youth with a fun, supportive environment.
Services include:
Provides a full range of educational, sport, and recreational activities for newcomers to Canada. These activities provide newcomer youth with a fun, supportive environment.
Services include:
Adult day program, providing social, recreational, and therapeutic activities for older adults and people with disabilities in a group setting for part of the day. Helps to support family caregivers who provide day-to-day care.
A community pantry with 24/7 access, in which anyone in the neighbourhood can take or leave non-refrigerated food and essential good donations in the spirit of mutual aid.
Provides information and access to assistance for older adults with age related cognitive impairments and responsive behaviours that impact their daily functioning and/or the ability to maintain relationships.
A food bank providing food to residents of Stoney Creek who are in need.
Providing support services for older adults and vulnerable persons, including:
Licensed child care centres offering care for children ages 14 months to 6 years. Extended care available for children in Junior and Senior Kindergarten.
Accredited long-term care home offering nursing and personal care on a 24-hour basis.
Aims to educate new mothers on healthy interactions with their babies through prenatal classes, nutrition counselling, and postnatal home visits. The program includes:
Hamilton Municipal Services Centres offer the following services: