Provides services to assist individuals who are experiencing homelessness or are on a low income in finding safe and affordable housing.
Services include:
Provides services to assist individuals who are experiencing homelessness or are on a low income in finding safe and affordable housing.
Services include:
Helps Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients, Ontario Works (OW) recipients, and people with low income maintain their existing housing or establish a new residence.
Operates as an access point for subsidized housing in Hamilton. Subsidized housing is when rent is geared to the income of the recipient instead of market rates.
A team of professionals offering care to individuals living with or at risk of acquiring Hepatitis C. Provides support and comprehensive services to clients throughout the treatment process.
Services include:
Operates affordable housing complexes and support services for Indigenous people in the City of Hamilton.
Properties include:
Provides an opportunity for adults with a physical disability to live in a geared-to-income, fully accessible, one bedroom apartment, with 24-hour access to essential non-medical attendant and life skill support services, including meal prep and e
A financial stability program that helps low-income individuals maintain affordable housing, by providing a small short-term interest-free loan for last month’s rent. Loans are paid directly to the vendor or provider.
An emergency shelter for homeless or transient men. Provides short-term transitional accommodation, case management, financial management services, and referral counselling for spiritual, practical, and social needs.
Advocates for tenants facing human rights issues in housing including discrimination, harassment, or the need for an accommodation under the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Eviction prevention supports:
Offers residential program in apartment-style units with early intervention for youth aged 16-21 years, experiencing or at imminent risk of homelessness, who are working or are in school with the goal of living independently.