EarlyON Child and Family Centres provide opportunities for children from birth to 6 years of age to participate in play and inquiry-based programs, and support parents and caregivers in their roles.
Offers volunteer opportunities within Dundas, including:
- Friendly calling
- Friendly visiting
- Assisted transportation drivers
- Meals on wheels delivery
- Frozen meals sorting
Provides information and access to assistance for older adults with age related cognitive impairments and responsive behaviours that impact their daily functioning and/or the ability to maintain relationships.
Serving the Aboriginal, Faith, LGBTQ, and Newer Immigrant population, plus the wide-ranging diverse demographic of the city of Hamilton.
Retirement residence offering long term and short stay accommodations. Basic services include:
Provides affordable programs and services for adults age 55 and older to enrich and support independent active living. Programs include:
Offers information on tourism opportunities in the City of Hamilton.
Provides information on quality referrals for home cleaning, in-home foot care, in-home hairdressing, home maintenance, lawn maintenance, and gardening.
Offers caregivers an informal setting to share their experiences with one another in a confidential manner. Monthly meetings often include a speaker.
Provides free income tax assistance for Dundas residents on limited or fixed income. No complicated tax returns or uncompleted returns in the last 3 years will be serviced.