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Members meet to listen to guest speakers, exchange information, and learn about a cross-section of different types of roses. Juried rose show held each June at the Royal Botanical Gardens Centre in Burlington.

Assists isolated, low income, and vulnerable seniors age 55 and older with making social connections and maintaining independence through various activities and community referrals.

Provides a free, confidential helpline that provides information, support, and community referrals to Canadians affected by eating disorders.

These supports are also available via email and live chat through the website.

The centre provides people in recovery, their families, and community members with access to reliable and user-friendly information about mental health, addictions, and related issues. Computer with internet access is available onsite.

A youth-led collective that supports the voices of young women, non-binary, and gender fluid youth in Hamilton. Program consists of activities, discussions, and workshops to encourage youth engagement.

Key topics include: