Provides support for women and their children who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse including:
Provides primary care to low-risk clients and their newborns throughout pregnancy, labour and birth, and the first six weeks following delivery (referred to as postpartum and newborn care). Family-centred prenatal and postnatal care for home or ho
A community fridge in which anyone in the neighbourhood can take or leave food donations, in the spirit of mutual aid. See website for list of donation guidelines.
Volunteer opportunities available.
An aging-in-community group of community-minded individuals residing in the Hamilton area, engaged in learning about a variety of topics including housing alternatives and health, in building intergenerational friendships, and committed to celebra
Catholic full day child care programs in Hamilton Catholic Schools. Care is available for infants (0-18 months), toddlers (18 months-2.5 years), and preschool (2.5-3.8 years). Morning and afternoon snacks and lunch are provided.
New Hope Community Bikes offers restored bikes, bike repair, bicycle safety education and bicycle accessories. They also accept donations of bikes and parts.
A community fridge in which anyone in the neighbourhood can take or leave food donations, in the spirit of mutual aid. See website for list of donation guidelines. Volunteer opportunities available.
Teaches senior residents and clients nutrition strategies and cooking skills. Participants participate in a luncheon to develop friendships and socialize. Also offers special guest speakers about topics that interest participants.
Provides Special Needs Resourcing supports that help childcare programs include children with special needs. Staff work directly with the childcare centre to support the inclusion of your child in the classroom.
Provides a variety of services and programs to meet the needs to newcomers to help make Canada home.
Programs and services include: