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Counselling services provided by registered social workers or registered psychotherapists. Mental health services are available for children, youth, and their families, as well as for adults and people dealing with addictions.

National call, text, and live chat counselling services for youth. Services are free, anonymous, and confidential.  Professional counsellors are available 24/7 for support, information, and referrals. Services include: 

Offers summer camps in Dundas for different age groups and learning styles. These camps are run by clinicians and help children develop different academic and self-help skills. 

Provides assistance for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families to help them navigate the developmental services system in Ontario.

Ontario provincial program that provides health-related items to people receiving Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) funding and people on low income.

Health related benefits include but are not limited to:

Home and Community Care Support Services organizations coordinate in-home and community-based care for patients by assessing patient care needs, and delivering in-home and community-based services to support their health and well-being.