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Provides lawyers who volunteer their time to make wills for people who cannot afford to pay for these services. Can assist people with disabilities, people with terminal illnesses, single parents, and low-income adults.

A welcoming and inclusive space for persons with or without disabilities to enjoy coffee and treats. The Coffeehouse provides work and training opportunities for persons with an intellectual disability. 

A community for sex workers, providing outreach support, harm reduction, and compassionate care. The office features amenities including a kitchenette, washer and dryer, and internet access.

Harm reduction and managed alcohol program for women and men experiencing homelessness, addiction, and serious health problems. Up-front discharge planning for effective transition to the community.

Free weekly groups for pregnant individuals. Discussions with a Registered Nurse and Registered Dietitian include pregnancy, labour and birth, managing stress, eating well and cooking healthy food, breastfeeding, and community supports.

An online archive of all documents gathered and articles written by the non-profit group Citizens at City Hall. This is a volunteer community group that encourages civic engagement.

The Hamilton Aviary hosts community events to promote awareness and foster a love of birds. The Aviary is open on Sundays for an open house.

Matches community members to volunteer opportunities at St. Joseph's Villa long term care facility based on candidate's interest and personal goals.

Opportunities include: