A horticultural therapy program, typically offered throughout the spring and autumn seasons, that combines organic greenhouse growing practices and mental wellness exercises. Participants grow organic produce, herbs, and plants while learning mind
Provides support for newcomers to adjust to their life in Canada, by providing comprehensive information, orientation, needs assessments and referrals to government programs, social services, and community resources. Program funding provided the G
An open arts studio where street-involved youth can begin to reconnect to themselves, others, and their community through the creative arts while gaining valuable life and work skills.
A program of Shalem Mental Health Network.
Offers a social program for youth ages 14 to 23 who have special needs.
A weekly check-in program for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth in Hamilton. Speqtrum staff check in with participants once a week to chat, listen, provide support, and offer resources in the community.
Offers support to families with children who are playing with matches and lighters, or engaging in other fire play or fire-setting behaviour.
Adult Day Services Program provides community-based supports to adults with developmental disabilities. Programs are based on each participant’s goals and interests and are geared to increase independence. Programs include:
Halton ADAPT offers programming for adults and youth to help with addictions to drugs, alcohol, and gambling.
Sherman Hub Location. There is no physical location for this service. Includes the neighbourhoods of Stipley, Blakely, Gibson, and St. Clair.
Offers a variety of services to assist asylum seekers and people without immigrant protection through the integration and settlement processes in Canadian society.
Services include: