McMaster Children and Youth University (MCYU)

Free, monthly Saturday morning lectures for children and youth to spark their curiosity and expose them to the university environment. Speakers present topics about science, technology, engineering, arts, math and many more. The lectures provide children and youth the opportunity to learn from McMaster University Professors.

Lectures are offered on campus. MCYU in the City community-based workshops are offered at various locations such as libraries, community centres and community organizations.

Programs run September to May.

Organizations that offer this Service
McMaster University
Sites that offer this Service
McMaster University Campus

1280 Main St W
Hamilton, ON
L8S 4L8


Offers programming for children and youth ages 7-14 in all areas of science, technology, engineering, arts and math. Family attendance is encouraged for lectures and workshops.

Areas Served
Application Instructions

Registration is required

Age Range
Age 7 years to 14 years.
Last Full Update
December 3, 2024