Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing

Nongovernmental rental housing that is made available to low-income individuals and families at reduced rates. Included are low-cost or below market rate housing that is operated or sponsored by religious or charitable organizations for the benefit of low-income individuals and families; and rental housing targeted to lower income households that has been purchased, rehabilitated or constructed by developers in accordance with affordable housing incentive programs. Some privately owned rental units that were developed or improved with public funds are also required to rent a designated number of units at reduced prices to people who meet low-income eligibility requirements. Some complexes or housing units may be reserved for low-income older adults, people with disabilities and/or other special populations. Included are income-based rental housing where tenants pay rent that is geared to their income; as well as fixed below market rate rental housing where rent is lower than what people would normally pay renting the unit but is based on a specified percentage of the median income for the area rather than on a percentage of an individual's actual income, and tenants may have to be within a specified income range to live there. Rental amounts and the level of "affordability" may vary considerably among programs.



Offers affordable apartments at market rent to low-income seniors. 

Main office of Indwell, a Christian charity that creates affordable housing communities.

A Christian charity that creates affordable housing communities that support people seeking health, wellness, and belonging throughout Hamilton and nearby cities.

Operates five subsidized housing projects to meet the needs of families, seniors, and persons with disabilities.

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