Homeless Drop In Centres

Centres where homeless people can spend time during the day or evening. Services may include counselling and/or medication monitoring on a formal or informal basis; personal hygiene supplies; facilities for showering, shaving, napping, laundering clothes, making necessary telephone calls or attending to other personal needs; and other basic supportive services. Some centres may also provide meals or facilities for cooking. Programs that focus on homeless youth may provide case management, living skills training, family reunification assistance, classes and other educational supports, pre-employment training, health education (including HIV prevention), help in obtaining valid ID and other services that help youth successfully exit street life and transition to independent living.



A culturally safe and appropriate space for Indigenous people to access housing supports and connect with peers in a community-based setting. Access meals, connect with elders and knowledge keepers, access traditional medicine, and meet with housing workers. 

Location of Hamilton Regional Indian Centre Indigenous Drop-In Centre, a culturally safe space.

Clients can access:

A drop-in for unsheltered women and non-binary individuals in Hamilton, providing access to meals, showers and basic needs, low barrier health care, harm reduction and withdrawal management services, safe drug use space (from 10pm-9am), systems navigation and shelter referrals, advocacy, care pla

Drop-in centre providing a space for women, transgender, and non-binary folks to receive compassionate care in a way that creates opportunities to build on their strengths.

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