Homelessness Prevention Programs

Programs that provide financial assistance and supportive services that stabilize households in their current housing or help them to move into new housing without first entering the shelter system or experiencing homelessness. Services may include financial assistance (short or medium-term rental assistance, security or utility deposits, utility payments, moving cost assistance), housing relocation and stabilization services, legal assistance (generally mediation), credit counselling and case management. The goal is to help households resolve their crisis, secure short-term financial or rental assistance as needed, and access ongoing sources of support in the community in order to remain housed. If the individual or family is unable to stay in their existing housing, the prevention program helps the household to find an alternative housing arrangement that is safe, reasonably affordable and adequate.



Provides short-term housing solutions for Indigenous families at risk of homelessness, family separation due to child welfare involvement, and/or family reunification where housing is the primary need.

Supports Indigenous people who are in need of housing supports or resources to obtain, maintain, or stabilize their housing.

A housing program supporting individuals experiencing episodic or chronic homelessness in acquiring and maintaining safe, affordable, and stable housing in Hamilton. Offers intensive case management, referrals, supports, and help obtaining government assistance.

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